SAVE the Anglesea Bike Park!!!! Follow the link and sign the petition at

Anglesea Bike Park is situated on land owned by Alcoa.

They may be planning to sell it.

We can save the Bike Park by bringing the land into public ownership.

The Bike Park just turned 11; its best years should lie ahead. The land isn’t currently zoned for housing so it’s affordable right now, but if it’s rezoned, Alcoa and a developer will reap millions and the community will lose.

Anglesea Bike Park is one of Australia’s best small bike parks; a national award winner. It keeps us healthy and makes us happy. It’s a playground and social hub for young and old. It’s the heart and soul of a thriving bike scene that supports our economy & enlivens our town.

We, the undersigned, call on Alcoa, Surf Coast Shire Council and the Victorian Government to save the Bike Park and put community prosperity, health and happiness ahead of corporate profit.

1.      We ask Alcoa to seek a fair return based on the land’s current zoning, rather than chasing a profit.

2.      We ask Council to oppose rezoning and acquire the land for public use and conservation of the natural environment.

3.      We ask the State Government to oppose rezoning & support public acquisition of the land.

Sign the petition by following this link